ParaFamily's regional ambassador, upgraded from ParaSA roadshow campaign

How to be a ParaKing

  1. Hold no less than 20000 Beans (earned by doing tasks or topping up)
  2. Invite at least 30 friends to become ParaBaby+10 ParaJA+2 ParaSA
  3. Register for the roadshow voting campaign


  1. Get beans rewards by doing tasks
  2. Can participate in the DAO governance
  3. Enjoy 50 free invitation codes every week
  4. Get the advanced rewards of invitations
  5. Access to ParaSA discord channel
  6. Enjoy the senior monthly salary, quarterly performance assessment is required, and those who complete the target can successfully get the salary and continue to enjoy ParaKing identity
  7. The right to pledge PARA TOKEN's dividends
  8. The right to share the platform profits